In some traditions Samhain is held as one end of the calendar birthing a new year. In Texas that's often when the weather turns from hot and intimidating to less hot, less intimidating and we receive more exciting, cooler winds. It's a month I look at where business is concerned as the dawn of my Enterprise, this mid-month marking two full years since I started working on making my passion a profession. However as the cycle of seasons turn so too does the eye of pragmatism re-evaluating at this milestone operational efficiency when juxtaposed in consideration towards greater objectives and goals.
Education has always been a core tenant to my ideology. The Universe is a vast, marvelous place, so much so that even a hundred human lifetimes cannot comprehend all there is to know. From relationships and perspective we learn there are more truths to each story than the ones we think we understand. Even when all sides are observed there are still facets that elude us, revealing ours is but one telling, one version, one unique instance founded upon factors unique and random and non-replicative from a boundless dimension of possibility. To specialize is to choose, to limit oneself from infinite potential. Yet we do this, transient beings as we are, because it is part of our nature. We have such little time to explore the vastness of existence that even lethargy or the abstention of intent and activity is a choice in how we openly engage our lives while we are alive.
If I've often had difficulty establishing a mission statement it is because I consider my profession and who I am for my time here inexorably related. It seems like it should be enough that I chose a name for my business which embodies the spirit of what my activities signify to me. Whether in artistic performance or in making concepts of the mind a physical reality the underlying essence has remained the same. An Enterprise. A word meaning initiative and challenge, innovation with scope; that rather than lie recumbent as heart and flesh dissolve in entropic decay one strives to guide with creative intent forces that go forth as ripples in a pond to shape and inspire our world as this shining sphere of mineral and memory so too has stoked our heritage. To defy our own mortality by embracing it, in defining purpose where such may not exist we forge meaning through our choices and activities and make of uncertainty a truth. To embrace and understand one's legacy for some people even a lifetime isn't enough, and often on paper few words do little justice to crystalize the apotheosis of who we are, who we have been and the potential of who we may one day become.
I am entering a new phase of my Enterprise. As with any resolution or analysis certain aspects of life become revisited to be restructured, archived or eventually eliminated. Of the lessons, experiences and people who have become a part of my journey I would not trade a thing these last few years. You are a part of my life that has enriched it as I hope I have enriched yours. Through this shared time I've learned much, and though I would love to charge on braving new paths in the landscape of what leather art could become I have tested and acknowledged the pacing restraints that equilibrium asks of all pilgrims.
I will be moving within a year. To some of you the noteworthy aspect of this news is that I've stepped towards a finer analysis of the prime candidate cities. Dallas has been a welcome nest to develop my work in to where it is today, however as in tendering the earth soils must be turned, fields left fallow and seeds set adrift to cultivate a vaster bounty. I seek opportunities this home does not provide as eagerly that will more strongly enable my work to grow. In pursuing such potential I aspire to develop a stronger foundation from which a greater art and more potent legacy may flourish.
As consequence to this decision I will be consolidating my activities. Though my skills will still be available for commissioning I may not be able to take on as many as I have in the past. Concordantly I will be attending fewer venues and events as my business. The professional developmental activities I have enjoyed engaging thus far unfortunately do not provide quite the cut of resources necessary for workshop relocation.
Perhaps of more significance to me however will be the consequence of leaving those I have come to look on as clan and family over these last many years. Most my life has been lived within a thirty-mile radius. Reunion, casual engagement and communion has often been readily available with the greater part of those who have inscribed my heart. To move will be to interrupt those days for me now and indeterminably. The star of Aquarius is cold and distant and wide-seeing but not without a soul and in it's home too it is a sun. Of this community I withdraw from some are long acquaintances while others have become quick companions. Whether I know you well, have not seen you for years or am only beginning to discover the marvel of who you may be know that in each of you I cherish the seed of Divinity I see shared within myself. Our paths have touched each others' lives in ways no one else's shall, and though we may not have grown alike, wear the same woes, tread the same paths anymore or find joy in similar majesties know that you are a part of this world as rich and complicated and infinitely integrated into the lives of all others, dear to me as my own brief voice in the Great Song of Being.
My moving date will be one of prospect, objective and opportunity. Once the final evaluations are complete I will better be able to define the criteria necessary for relocation before proceeding to make such happen. Till then I remain your faithful artisan, crafter of dreams.
~Aaron Rathbun~
Saturday, October 29, 2011
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About Me

- Aaron Rathbun
- A self-trained leather artisan, I have studied both locally and abroad earning degrees in Psychology, Arts & Technology. My work brings over a decade of creative study from a range of fields spanning dramatic and musical performance to sculpture, animation, film and storycrafting. My primary mediums of focus are chalk (street paintings) and leather (carving, design & construction). At its core my work infuses flow and sensuality with abstraction and narrative.